NGO News - See What We Have Been Doing To Protect Your Jobs And Sport
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The NGO actively manages news stories relating to gamekeeping and the organisation's important work. Our dedicated team of media advisers monitor all UK newspapers, magazines, TV and radio output and take every opportunity to promote gamekeeping, and the NGO and responds to incorrect or unfair coverage of the profession. Journalists and programme-makers can contact the NGO media team here.
Update on Bird Flu In Captive Pheasants In Lancs
31 January 2017Fox Snaring Training Available Throughout Wales
30 January 2017A Second Case of Bird Flu In Captive Pheasants In Lancs
28 January 2017NGO At The 2017 Game Fair
27 January 2017Bird Flu Found In A Commercial Breeding Pheasant Flock
25 January 2017Another Confirmed Case of Bird Flu in Lincolnshire
17 January 2017Gamekeeping at the British Shooting Show
17 January 2017Bird Flu and Gamebirds: Official Advice Issued
13 January 2017Seasonal Reminder to Follow Snaring Code In England
10 January 2017Bird Flu Found In Captive Birds in North Yorkshire
8 January 2017Bird Flu Confirmed in Chickens And Ducks in Wales
4 January 2017More Cases of Bird Flu Found
2 January 2017New Bird Flu Cases in England and Scotland
23 December 2016Bird Flu Found in a Wild Duck in Wales
22 December 2016Bird Flu Confirmed in Lincolnshire
16 December 2016UK Governments Take Precautionary Step On Bird Flu
7 December 2016Ariat Sponsors the NGO
6 December 2016Enjoy the Winter Issue of Keeping the Balance Magazine
1 December 2016Defra Revises Avian Influenza Status
12 November 2016NGO responds to the grouse debate
31 October 2016Inspirational Gerald Gray Wins NGO Ed. Trust Bellamy Award
25 October 2016Bright Seeds donates thousands of pounds to NGO
24 October 2016Rural groups launch new snaring code
20 October 2016MPs hear evidence on grouse shooting
18 October 2016NGO Speaks About the Cost of Poaching at Police Seminar
25 September 2016Advertisements
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