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The NGO is informing its members that Defra has issued an update on the two outbreaks of H5N8 avian flu that were found last week in pheasants in Lancashire.

The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation is informing its members that Defra has issued an update on the two outbreaks of H5N8 avian flu that were found last week in pheasants at Wyre in Lancashire. Defra now reports that test results have confirmed the presence of H5N8 avian flu at a third, nearby, site in Wyre and some 63,000 birds, including pheasants, partridges and ducks, are being culled to contain the spread of the disease. All three infected premises have business links.

Defra says the premises are being cleansed and disinfected, further reducing the risk of spreading the disease to other birds. Defra’s investigations will continue, with the restrictions already placed on the sites remaining in force until cleansing and disinfection are finished and its investigation is complete. For more details, please click here

A 3 km Protection Zone and a 10 km Surveillance Zone are in place around the infected premises to limit the risk of the disease spreading. For full details of the control measures, click here

Public Health England advises that the risk to public health from the virus is very low and the Food Standards Agency is clear that bird flu does not pose a food safety risk for UK consumers.

The NGO reminds its members and others in the shooting community that government came together with countryside and shooting organisations on 13 January and issued important information about bird flu to all those specifically involved with gamebirds. For the background to the announcement and for the link leading to the advice, please click here

A spokesman for the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation said: “Defra reports that a business link exists between the three nearby infected premises. The consequences of bird flu can be devastating for those immediately involved. So the NGO reminds its members – and all those involved with game – in the strongest possible terms to read and follow the advice that specifically relates to gamebirds, which was issued on the NGO website earlier this month [to view the document click here].

“Please ensure that all the required biosecurity measures to help protect your housed gamebirds from bird flu are in place, including separating captive birds from wild birds. Plan ahead and remain vigilant. Keep checking the NGO website and social media for updates.”

Further essential information

Shooting is not restricted where the 3km Protection and 10km Surveillance Zones – and the single restriction zone in West Wales – are in force, and the movement of shot gamebirds is permissible both within and from these zones. The NGO would urge shooting interests in the immediate vicinity of the epicentre of the bird flu outbreaks to give due consideration to their plans at this time.

Members of the NGO and others in the shooting community with captive birds are also reminded of the importance of following the enhanced biosecurity requirements in force in the GB-wide Prevention Zone. The measures include the need to take appropriate steps to keep captive birds separate from wild birds.

Keepers should be aware that the Prevention Zone was extended on 4 January and now runs until 28 February to help protect poultry and captive birds from avian flu. For details click here

The NGO continues to ask its members to be vigilant and to report any dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese or ducks) or gulls or five or more dead wild birds of other species, when encountered in the same location in unusual circumstances, to the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77. Details of how to spot the symptoms of bird flu can be found here

Important official guidance and advice on all relevant aspects of avian influenza – from implementing biosecurity measures to spotting symptoms and how to go about reporting suspected cases – are available in a directory on the Defra website. It can be viewed by clicking here


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