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The GWCT and NGO Training Ltd are running fox snaring courses throughout Wales. The training will ensure participants are up to speed on Welsh Government"s Code of best practice.

The Game &, Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) and NGO Training Ltd are running fox snaring courses throughout North, South and Mid-Wales. The training, based on more than 200 man-years of GWCT science, is geared to ensuring participants are up to speed on the sensible and practical guidelines contained in the Welsh Government’s 10-page bilingual booklet Code of best practice on the use of snares in fox control, published last year.

The events are endorsed by the Countryside Alliance, the Farmers’ Union of Wales and NFU Cymru. The course tutor is the GWCT’s Dr Mike Swan.

Fox snaring has a proven track record of preventing localised species’ extinctions and securing wildlife diversity in Wales, including conserving endangered birds like black grouse, curlew and lapwing, as well as safeguarding young stock. The modern fox snare, correctly set, meets the stringent requirements of the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards.

All fox snares set in Wales MUST comply with the requirements of the Welsh Government code of best practice.

The dates and locations for the fox snaring training courses are:

The snaring course covers: • Legislation and the new Welsh Government code of best practice• How to choose your equipment • Snare preparation • Selecting snare locations and how to avoid non-target species • Humane dispatch of foxes and Release of non-target animals. The theory element is taught in the classroom, followed by practical tuition outdoors in choosing snaring sites and setting snares.

The addresses of the venues will be forwarded to delegates on booking. All courses run from 10am to 1pm and cost £72 including VAT. After lunch, delegates also have the option of attending the GWCT corvid cage-trapping course, which is offered at half the usual fee on these occasions. The cost of attending both courses is £108 including VAT. Tea and coffee are provided. Please bring your own packed lunch.

To book your place please contact Lynda Ferguson (at the Game &, Wildlife Conservation Trust, Burgate Manor, Fordingbridge, SP6 1EF) by phone on 01425 651013 or by email lferguson@gwct.org.uk

Dr Mike Swan, Head of Education, at the Game &, Wildlife Conservation Trust, said: “Our fox snaring training courses, based on more than 200 man-years of research science, will ensure participants are conversant in all aspects of the Welsh Government’s code of best practice.”

Brian Hardcastle and David Pooler, the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation Chairmen for Wales, were of one voice: “We urge our members to go on a snaring course if in any doubt whatsoever about any aspect of the code.”

Director for the Countryside Alliance in Wales, Rachel Evans said: “I cannot stress enough that securing the future for snaring in Wales relies on snare users following the code to the letter. I strongly encourage our members to take advantage of the course.”

A Farmers’ Union of Wales spokesman said: "Fox snaring must be done in line with the code, and the courses reinforce best practice. Do take advantage of them.”

An NFU Cymru spokesman said: “Fox control is necessary in Wales to protect farmed livestock. These training courses ensure snare operators are aware of their responsibilities under the code.”

Notes to Editors

Those who snare foxes in Wales must:

Remember the code is not a training manual. Snare users must be competent before using snares for fox control. Those in any doubt about their competency should seek training.


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