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About NGO

The National Gamekeepers Organisation is largely voluntary and only employs five staff, yet in its first 20 years it has achieved some remarkable results.

Some have been of direct benefit to all gamekeepers. Others have helped the entire shooting community. Our achievements have been described as "staggering" for such a small organisation. Further down this page we summarise just a sample of our many achievements since 1997.

Founded in 1997 by a handful of gamekeepers concerned that their profession was under-represented. Rapidly became recognised as the main representative body for gamekeeping in England and Wales. Amalgamated with the former Moorland Gamekeepers' Association which became the NGO Moorland Branch

Just some of the NGO's remarkable achievements:

  • Fought and reversed Government changes that restricted all pest bird control and pigeon shooting
  • Set up simple, effective training for all gamekeepers in game meat hygiene to meet new EU rules
  • Trained over 2000 gamekeepers in the above in just one year, allowing game meat sales to continue
  • Sent gamekeepers to Strasbourg to address MEPs in the European Parliament
  • Issued first clear advice on impact of Hunting Act on gamekeeping and shooting
  • Sponsored and addressed the first ever national police conference on rural crime
  • Ran the first ever national seminar on gamekeeper education
  • Helped to set up and fund the Countryside Survey, showing how gamekeepers help the environment
  • Helped revise and promote the Code of Good Shooting Practice, keeping it practical
  • Set up voluntary NGO regions up and down the country
  • Ran enjoyable and educational events for gamekeeper members and supporters
  • Produced a quarterly, widely-praised magazine for all members
  • Organised national auctions which raised over £250,000 for the NGO's work
  • Facilitated a positive national debate on the future of game shooting
  • Funded research to keep the grey partridge on the quarry list
  • Gave practical help to scientists investigating stoats, weasels and brown hares
  • Worked with LANTRA to improve gamekeeper training
  • Financed research into the effects of gamekeeping on songbirds
  • Conducted regular surveys to help towards better marketing for shot game
  • Met thousands of members and the public at the major game and country fairs
  • Re-established the 'Golden Pheasant' clay shooting competition for keepers
  • Set up the 'Golden Grouse' equivalent for upland keepers
  • Earned a place on the UK Committee of FACE (the EU fieldsports lobby)
  • Attracted sponsorship from major multinationals like Ford and Brights Seeds
  • Produced a lawyers guide, free for all gamekeeper members, on handling police searches
  • Passed the 15,000 member mark in just 14 years
  • Trained gamekeepers professionally to appear on TV and radio
  • Established the NGO Educational Trust to meet thousands of schoolchildren on estate visits every year
  • Ran a series of countrywide gamebird disease seminars
  • Lobbied successfully for changes to an impractical Government code for gamebird rearing
  • Suggested, promoted and achieved the new 'other lawful quarry' condition on Firearms Certificates
  • Wrote and delivered a Shotgun Loaders Course throughout the country to meet new safety requirements
  • Fought successfully against a Government proposal to 'tax' all gamebird keepers
  • Assisted practically in the fight against Avian Flu
  • Supported sensible changes to the Game Acts and Deer Act which then became law
  • Published several editions of Sporting Shooting and the Law, a comprehensive guide for just £8
  • Lobbied for the retention of heather burning and helped write the Defra Burning Code
  • Defended the use of rat bait and won an exemption for burying dead rats
  • Clarified the legal use of the Rodenator under UK law
  • Provided advice to members on firearms as needed via a renowned specialist
  • Instituted an annual award for the best gamekeeping student
  • Ensured releasing could not be stopped under 'non-native species' legislation
  • Sought revision of trap inspection times to make them more practica
  • Worked with game crop manufacturers on new varieties and cultivation regimes
  • Raised a fund of £1 million for the defence and promotion of gamekeeping
  • Reversed Government proposals banning dogs from being left on their own
  • Supported year-round pest control of Canada Geese, now on the General Licences
  • Established a Free Legal Helpline for all NGO members
  • Campaigned for licences to control problem buzzards
  • Published a nationwide survey on Gamekeepers and Wildlife
  • Developed a training course for the police and delivered it free of charge throughout England and Wales
  • Influenced the Law Commission's review of all wildlife laws in England and Wales
  • Attended a meeting at 10 Downing Street to discuss Coalition rural policy
  • Alerted the shooting community to an HSE ban on rat baits and campaigned for reversal
  • and the good work goes on

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