NGO News - See What We Have Been Doing To Protect Your Jobs And Sport
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The NGO actively manages news stories relating to gamekeeping and the organisation's important work. Our dedicated team of media advisers monitor all UK newspapers, magazines, TV and radio output and take every opportunity to promote gamekeeping, and the NGO and responds to incorrect or unfair coverage of the profession. Journalists and programme-makers can contact the NGO media team here.
United Utilities' plans to stop shooting on their land a disaster for wildlife and the rural economy
25 July 2023MPs and the NGO discuss the consequences of changes to GL43
18 July 2023Responding to the Home Office firearms licensing consultation
17 July 2023Defra issue a 'Frequently Asked Questions' document regarding GL43
10 July 2023New consultation on firearms licensing launched by the government x
4 July 2023Read the NGO response to the Welsh consultation on game bird release
22 June 2023Devon and Cornwall Police firearms licensing department split
19 June 2023Use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in open areas to be banned from July 2024
13 June 2023NGO supports legal challenge against DEFRA over GL43
8 June 2023NGO and Aim to Sustain partners write to the Secretary of State regarding GL43
8 June 2023Results of the 2023 NGO Golden Grouse clay shoot
7 June 2023Gamekeepers thanked by fire services for their work in tackling moorland wildfires
6 June 2023New GL43 issued by DEFRA for gamebird releases in SACs but not SPAs
1 June 2023Results of the 2023 NGO Golden Pheasant clay shoot
1 June 2023Important information for all keepers operating on and near European protected sites in England
31 May 2023The Gamekeepers' Welfare Trust need your tweed!
23 May 2023Avian Influenza: Update on rules regarding game farm hatcheries
18 May 2023Unacceptable, unjustified and potentially unlawful changes by DEFRA to game bird release rules are challenged by the NGO
17 May 2023NGO and shooting organisations join politicians to discuss the potential consequences of game shooting restrictions in Wales
17 May 2023The NGO and partners commit to continuing with a Bird of Prey Initiative in the Peak District
4 May 2023Inaugural Conservation Champions Awards presented by Marsdens and the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation
20 April 2023Bird keepers urged to maintain scrupulous biosecurity standards as housing measures set to be lifted
12 April 2023Rodenticides alarm bells for all who use professional rodenticides
11 April 2023Long-standing gamekeepers recognised for their service to the profession
5 April 2023Advice from the NGO on responding to the Welsh gamebird release consultation
3 April 2023Advertisements
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