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The government has launched an eight-week consultation seeking views on their new proposals regarding firearms licensing

The government has launched an eight-week consultation seeking views on new proposals regarding firearms licensing. The proposals put forward by the Policing Minister Chris Philp include making it mandatory for a person’s GP to be involved in their application; changes to the current referee system; the potential for changes to the length of time for which a licence is issued, as well as changes to the training of firearms enquiry officers and police firearms departments more widely.

Alongside the consultationf, the government announced a £500,000 funding allocation towards police firearms licensing personnel training, which the NGO welcome. 

The proposals are not as drastic as some had anticipated. However it is vital that a functioning, fair and efficient firearms licensing system is established which allows for legitimate shooting activities while also maximising public safety.

The consultation closes on 23 August 2023 and is open to all those with an interest in firearms licensing in England, Wales, and Scotland. The NGO will be submitting a response as an organisation, but we would also encourage any of you who have views on the matter to submit your own response.

The consultation can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/firearms-licensing-recommendations-for-changes

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