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The NGO actively manages news stories relating to gamekeeping and the organisation's important work. Our dedicated team of media advisers monitor all UK newspapers, magazines, TV and radio output and take every opportunity to promote gamekeeping, and the NGO and responds to incorrect or unfair coverage of the profession. Journalists and programme-makers can contact the NGO media team here.

Natural Resources Wales halts plans to licence the release of game birds

21 September 2023

NGO celebrates National Rural Crime Action Week and the work of rural crime teams

19 September 2023

Another record year for hen harriers in the uplands

19 September 2023

Release of Gamebirds – Important update regarding Avian Influenza

18 September 2023

NGO responds to RSPB accusations in the Daily Mail

12 September 2023

Helping gamekeepers adapt for 2024 rodenticide changes

7 September 2023

MP Danny Kruger writes of how shooting on Salisbury Plain is at risk

4 September 2023

Personal and political attacks from the RSPB are nothing new

31 August 2023

Salmon fly competition from the Gamekeepers' Welfare Trust

25 August 2023

Self regulation – taking cues from football

25 August 2023

Return of the Hen Harrier: Record number of chicks take to the wing

21 August 2023

DEFRA updates its Gamebird Licensing Frequently Asked Questions document

21 August 2023

A promising first year of the hen harrier conservation breeding programme and reintroduction

15 August 2023

New study shows grouse moor management is helping to slow curlew decline

9 August 2023

Update on United Utilities and sporting leases

8 August 2023

Grouse moor management delivers the greatest environmental, social and economic benefits, new report finds

8 August 2023

United Utilities' plans to stop shooting on their land a disaster for wildlife and the rural economy

25 July 2023

MPs and the NGO discuss the consequences of changes to GL43

18 July 2023

Responding to the Home Office firearms licensing consultation

17 July 2023

Defra issue a 'Frequently Asked Questions' document regarding GL43

10 July 2023

New consultation on firearms licensing launched by the government x

4 July 2023

Read the NGO response to the Welsh consultation on game bird release

22 June 2023

Devon and Cornwall Police firearms licensing department split

19 June 2023

Use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in open areas to be banned from July 2024

13 June 2023

NGO supports legal challenge against DEFRA over GL43

8 June 2023

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