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The Value of Shooting report, commissioned by 24 rural organisations including the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation, has been published in advance of the upcoming General Election. 

Findings of the report include that shooting is worth £3.3bn (GVA) to the UK economy every year, and that shooting providers and volunteers carry out £500m worth of conservation work, equivalent to 26,000 full-time jobs and 14m workdays each year.

The Value of Shooting report, commissioned by 24 rural organisations including the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation, has been published in advance of the upcoming General Election.

The report sets out in detail the benefits the shooting sector brings to the UK economy and the conservation of the countryside. Shooting is a key component of the rural economy and goes hand-in-hand with the conservation of the countryside, as well as bringing both mental and physical health benefits to participants and providing a healthy and sustainable food source.

These key findings will play an important role in shaping the debate around shooting in the run up to the general election – and beyond.

The report, which presents the findings of independent research into the economic, environmental and social impacts of shooting sports in the UK, is a follow-up to the 2014 survey of the same name.

Findings of the report include:

·       Shooting is worth £3.3bn (GVA) to the UK economy every year.

·       The new report has taken a more comprehensive and detailed approach than previous reports, attaching a value to contribution in kind (CiK) and supply chain value, which shows that £9.3bn of wider economic activity is generated for the UK economy.

·       620,000 individuals are actively involved in shooting-related activities.

·       Shooting providers and volunteers carry out £500m worth of conservation work, equivalent to 26,000 full-time jobs and 14m workdays each year.

·       Habitat management and conservation are carried out on 7.6m hectares as a result of shooting.

·       Three out of four people who take part in shooting said that it is important to them and their wellbeing, with most claiming shooting contributes positively to their physical and mental health.

·       Shooters spend £4.4bn on the UK-based supply chain each year.

·       Shooting supports 172,700 FTE jobs in the UK.

David Pooler, Chairman of the National Gamekeepers' Organisation, said:

"Those of us who work in and around the shooting sector, or who take part in it as a hobby, are most likely aware of the 'value' it delivers. This comes not just in an economic form (by means of the cash injection it brings to the rural economy), but also in terms of the health benefits (both mental and physical) and the vast conservation benefits that land managed for game delivers.

"It is so important, particularly at this moment in time, that politicians are aware of the 'value of shooting' – and thus of the valuable contents of this report."

With 8,278 shoot days and 439,000 active participants in England, the contribution of shooting to the economy of rural areas is significant. Shooting supports 152,200 FTE jobs in England. Pubs, hotels and restaurants benefit from the tourism generated by the shooting season, while shops, caterers, game dealers and other suppliers all benefit from the boost which shooting brings to the rural economy.

To read the report in full and to find out more, please click here. 

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