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The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation’s lawyers have written to the Welsh Ministers regarding their proposals for the addition of Common Pheasants and Red Legged Partridge to Part 1 of Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in Wales. We have grave concerns about the Consultation that took place in the spring of 2023.

The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation’s lawyers have written to the Welsh Ministers regarding their proposals for the addition of Common Pheasants and Red Legged Partridge to Part 1 of Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in Wales.

In the correspondence, it was outlined that we have grave concerns about the Consultation that took place between the 27th March and 20th June 2023 and the advice given by Natural Resources Wales to the Welsh Government in October 2023.

We highlighted firstly that we do not believe that the NRW have adequately considered the responses to the Consultation, having issued a “qualitative methodology known as thematic analysis”. This methodology has resulted in only a small sample of responses being taken into account.

Secondly, we are very concerned about the fact that despite clear opposition in the Consultation to the Welsh Ministers’ proposed adjustments to Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act – due mainly to lack of evidence, as well as other matters – Natural Resources Wales’s advice to the Welsh Government was that a licencing scheme should be established immediately.

We believe that, as the body that represents gamekeepers in Wales, our views – and those of our members – should be paramount to any proposed amendments to any legislation. It appears, however, that such views have not been considered.

It is clear to us that the implementation of these changes will have a detrimental impact on Welsh society, the Welsh language, the rural economy and the wellbeing of gamekeepers in Wales. Both the NGO and other organisations have written previously to the Welsh Ministers to seek to discuss their concerns – sadly to no avail.

Despite the Welsh Government’s lack of response so far, the NGO will continue to fight for gamekeepers’ jobs as well as the livelihoods of all those who depend on the work of gamekeepers to help fund the rural economy. We are leading the fight for all those involved in game shooting, and will continue to do so.

As always, it is so important that everyone whose work or leisure revolves around shooting are operating and behaving to the highest of standards, and that we are able to demonstrate this.

It is more important than ever that we can demonstrate good practice within gamekeeping. Signing up to an assurance scheme, such as Aim to Sustain or Trusted Game, is one way to ensure that your shoot is operating to the correct standards, and that you have the paperwork to prove it.

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