NGO News - See What We Have Been Doing To Protect Your Jobs And Sport
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The NGO actively manages news stories relating to gamekeeping and the organisation's important work. Our dedicated team of media advisers monitor all UK newspapers, magazines, TV and radio output and take every opportunity to promote gamekeeping, and the NGO and responds to incorrect or unfair coverage of the profession. Journalists and programme-makers can contact the NGO media team here.
Covid-19 Update 14 September
14 September 2020Covid 19 Update 9 September
9 September 2020Hen harrier breeding success
3 September 2020Campaign launched to get venison market back on track
3 September 2020How moorland keepers are helping the UK's biggest carbon store
12 August 2020Grouse shooting essential for survival of Moorland communities
7 August 2020COVID safe principles for game shoots in England
31 July 2020NGO’s film premier on YouTube reaches new audiences
26 July 2020Shooting organisations submit evidence to defend High Court challenge
16 July 2020Latest COVID-19 guidance
10 July 2020heather burning dossier
8 July 2020game bird release update
23 June 2020NGO launches Wildlife Licensing evidence blog
23 June 2020shoot liaison committee letter 2020 season
20 June 2020General Licences Extended
18 June 2020Wildlife Licensing bring back into Government
2 June 2020Channel 4 News feature
29 May 2020Response from NWCU to NGO Raptor Persecution
21 May 2020NGO seeks clarification on firearms advice
18 May 2020RSPB show us the evidence
15 May 2020COVID-19 Latest Guidance
14 May 2020Latest COVID 19 government guidance
11 May 20202020 Joint Communication on Antibiotic Reduction in Gamebirds
23 April 2020rspb shooting consultation response
17 April 2020Defra ask court to dismiss Wild Justice judicial review
8 April 2020Advertisements
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