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On Friday 13th December the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) outlined its proposed phased restriction on lead ammunition in Great Britain to address environmental and health risks. This change impacts rifle and shotgun ammunition used for live quarry shooting as well as target and clay shooting.

On Friday 13th December the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) outlined its proposed phased restriction on lead ammunition in Great Britain to address environmental and health risks. This change impacts rifle and shotgun ammunition used for live quarry shooting as well as target and clay shooting.

In creating their proposals, the HSE has considered their appropriateness in terms of their effectiveness, practicality, monitorability and enforceability. As part of this process, the Agency has sought advice from the REACH Independent Scientific Expert Pool (RISEP) who provided scrutiny and challenge for this opinion. The Agency also sought independent advice from ballistics experts at Cranfield University Centre of Defence Engineering, as well as carrying out a public consultation

The HSE states that evidence from testing shot water birds for sale at game dealers suggests compliance with the current domestic regulations is low and further action needs to be taken.

The proposals from the HSE are as follows. These are only recommendations; not yet law. The authorities in England, Scotland and Wales now have 12 weeks in which to review and repond to these suggestions. If they are given the green light, the proposals will then form draft legislation which will then be presented to parliament. 

Shotgun Ammunition

Lead shot will be prohibited for live quarry shooting due to its toxic effects on wildlife and contamination of soil and water. A transition period of five years is proposed, encouraging shooters to adopt safer alternatives like steel or bismuth. The transition period for all lead ammunition to move to towards alternatives is five years from the date of legislation.

Rifle Ammunition

The use of lead rifle ammunition will also be restricted, with a similar timeline, given the dangers of lead fragments entering the food chain and harming humans and wildlife. Non-lead alternatives, such as copper bullets, are recommended. There are degradations for calibre's under .240 to still be allowed to use lead ammunition but not for animals entering the food chain.

Reasons for Change

Lead exposure poses serious risks to wildlife, domestic animals, and humans, particularly children. This move supports conservation and aligns with existing efforts across Europe.


After the transition, using lead ammunition will be illegal, with penalties potentially including fines and enforcement actions under the UK REACH regulations.

There are also degradations in place for large bore target rifles used on ranges and elite athletes who partake in Olympic disciplines.

For more details, visit the HSE document which can be found here

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