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Win a two-day, all-inclusive "Gamekeeping Experience", a unique opportunity for youngsters aged 14-16 years old to get their first taste of the life of a gamekeeper.

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust and the British Association of Shooting and Conservation in association with Newton Rigg College are offering a unique opportunity for youngsters to get their first taste of the life of a gamekeeper with the chance to WIN a two-day, all-inclusive 'Gamekeeping Experience'!

This brilliant opportunity, open to students 14-16 years old, will be held at Newton Rigg College on selected weekends in July. The Gamekeeping Experience will include the opportunity to find out about the practical aspects of gamekeeping, including visiting a pheasant rearing facility, touring the college's grouse moor, and learning about shot gun safety, clay pigeon shooting, deer stalking, and all-terrain vehicle driving.

To be in with a shot at winning a place on one of the Gamekeeping Experience weekends entrants are required to write a short piece (no more than 200 words) about why they want to be part of the Gamekeeping Experience, which is sure to be a fantastic event for all participants.

All the organisations involved would encourage youngsters to enter if they are the outdoor type, as this competition will give them the chance to see what it takes to be a real gamekeeper. The Gamekeeping Experience will hopefully light a spark in prospective students who may not have even considered a career in gamekeeping, as well as getting the chance to have a look at the great facilities at Newton Rigg College.

Gamekeeping is an excellent career choice for those who love the outdoor life and want to learn the skills, which would help them to work in estate management, wildlife management or even technical and environmental consultancy roles.

Newton Rigg College is renowned for the excellence of its Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management Department and the strong links which it has within the industry, often leading the college's students into careers within the gamekeeping and countryside management sector.

Please either email entries to gamekeeping@newtonrigg.ac.uk or send by post to Gamekeeping Experience, Newton Rigg College, Penrith CA11 0AH

Notes for Editors

About the competition:

Age: The competition is open to those between the ages of 14 and 16 on 1st September 2014 (Currently in school years 10 and 11).

Entry requirements: Entrants need to write a short piece (no more than 200 words) about why they would like to attend a Gamekeeping Experience weekend.

Deadline: Please send entries to: gamekeeping@newtonrigg.ac.uk or Gamekeeping Experience, Newton Rigg College, Penrith, CA11 0AH. Entries must be received by Monday 5th May 2014.

Dates and judging: Judging will take place by Monday 12th May 2014. The entries will be judged by a panel of BASC, NGO and NRC staff. The Experience weekends will be run throughout July (dependant on number of entrants), the proposed dates are Fri 4 - Sun 6 July, Fri 11 - Sun 13 July, Fri 25 - Sun 27 July and these will be confirmed with the winners.

Terms and conditions: All winners will be notified by the end of May. There is no cash or alternative prize available. Winners must provide their own transport to and from Newton Rigg College. B&,B accommodation for parents will also be available over the weekends at the College, at an additional cost of �36.00 per person per night.


Friday 18.00 Arrival - settle in to rooms, supper available if required
19.00 Welcome, plans for following days, health and safety, rules and regulations. BASC &, NGO organisation talks

Saturday 08.00 Breakfast
08.45 Welcome if any late arrivals, check health and safety, rules and regulations
09.00 Visit to College grouse moor. Packed lunch on moor
15.00 Shotgun safety and clay pigeon shooting
18.00 Dinner
19.00 Deer stalking in Greystoke Forest

Sunday 08.00 Breakfast
08.45 Visit to pheasant rearing facilities
13.00 Lunch
14.00 All-terrain vehicle Experience
16.00 Depart

(Timings and events are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, at the discretion of the organisers.)

Newton Rigg College is part of Askham Bryan College, one of the UK's leading land-based education providers. Based in the Cumbrian uplands, Newton Rigg College offers a broad range of land-based courses in addition to a number of traditional vocational further education courses

The Northern School of Game and Wildlife has been established at Newton Rigg College for over 20 years and has gained a national reputation within the Game Industry for its high standard of training. Students at Newton Rigg have access to over 2,000 hectares of land, providing a variety of habitats in which to develop their knowledge and skills.

For more information or to arrange a photo opportunity in relation to this story please contact Beckie Senior on 01904 772269 or by email at beckie.senior@askham-bryan.ac.uk

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust was established in 1999 and is Registered Charity number 1076923. As the name suggests, its founding body was the National Gamekeepers' Organisation (NGO). But the NGO Educational Trust is an independent charity, with separate Trustees who are bound by the Charity Commission to conduct their work in a balanced and factual manner.

With forty-nine out of fifty people reporting never to have met a gamekeeper, it is evident that public knowledge of gamekeeping is very low and consequently entirely dependent on what is reported in the media. We want to present the facts about the profession. We particularly want the young to know what gamekeepers do.

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