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The hottest day of the year wasn't going to stop Yorkshire men, NGO National Vice-Chairman Chris Wild, and 4x4 mechanic Mike Hemingway, from cycling 300 miles to the CLA Game Fair.

Blazing sunshine and the highest temperatures of the year were never going to keep two Yorkshire men, National Gamekeepers' Organisation National Vice-Chairman Chris Wild, and specialist 4x4 mechanic Mike Hemingway, from completing, bang on time, their 300 miles in three days cycle ride to the CLA Game Fair at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire. The duo coasted in on cue during Saturday afternoon, 19 July 2014.

Inspired by the start of this year's Tour de France in the north of England, these two countrymen, who work on the Coniston Hall Estate in North Yorkshire, had set out on bicycles some 72 hours earlier from the NGO office in Barnard Castle, County Durham to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association and the National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust.

It's not too late to donate. Every single penny raised will go to the two charities, donations can still be made securely online at www.justgiving.com/teams/TheTourDeCLA

Chris Wild, 46, the head gamekeeper at the Coniston Hall Estate in North Yorkshire, said: "The hot weather made the ride a lot tougher than I'd expected. But we dug deep and got to Blenheim. But the cycle ride wasn't about us, it was about raising money for two important charities. I'd like to thank everyone who was so kind in helping us along the way and also those very generous people who put their hands in their pockets to give money. A big thank you."

Mike Hemingway, 46, a specialist freelance 4x4 mechanic at Land Rover Experience North Yorkshire on the Coniston Hall Estate, said: "It was certainly a long, winding - and very hot - road. But it's job done. I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who made the trip possible, especially our support crew, with equally huge thanks going to all those who so kindly donated to the two good causes."

Brian Hayes, the National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust Administrator, said: "I'd like to congratulate Chris and Mike for their hard work and their big hearts. Very well done. I'd also like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has donated online and also to those who contributed to the Tour de CLA on the NGO stand at the game fair. Your generosity in helping to support our work is truly appreciated."

Both cyclists would especially like to thank Land Rover Experience North Yorkshire for its great kindness in generously allowing James Hutchinson, one of its Land Rover driving instructors, to be part of the support team en route. Chris and Mike also wish to thank the following for their invaluable and greatly appreciated help and support: Tony Rice, the head picker-up at Coniston Hall Estate, who was the other member of our support team, John Moore and Son, for the kind loan of a motor home, Simon Benbow, from Always Independent Financial Solutions for funding the cost of the diesel, and all the team at 3 Peaks Cycles, North Yorkshire for their advice and equipment.

For more information on the fund-raising cycle ride please visit www.nationalgamekeepers.org.uk/news/two-middle-aged-yorkshiremen-pedal-after-the-tour-de-france

Notes to Editors
For further information please contact Julian Murray-Evans on 01766 523795 or email jmurrayevans@btinternet.com

The NGO Educational Trust is an independent registered charity established under the parentage of the National Gamekeepers' Organisation, whose primary aim is to promote awareness of the need for sustainable wildlife management in the countryside while stressing the importance of the role of the ,conservation work carried out by gamekeepers. Registered Charity No. 1076923

The Motor Neurone Disease Association is the only national charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland focused on MND care, research and campaigning. It is a membership organisation with nearly 8,000 members forming a powerful national and local network that provides information and support alongside fighting for improved services. Registered Charity Number 294354

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