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The National Gamekeepers" Organisation (NGO) is running two Game Meat Hygiene Courses in October 2012.

The first course will be held on 25 October 2012 in Staffordshire. The second is on 26 October 2012 in County Durham. The courses are open to both NGO members and non-members. The cost is �100 + VAT (�120). To book, please telephone the NGO head office on 01833 660869.

Candidates are required to pass a short multiple choice test at the end of the day's tuition to demonstrate competency. Successful candidates receive a certificate, accredited by the NGO and the Food Standards Agency, and will also be issued with a unique hunter ID (identification number), printed on a wallet-friendly plastic card.

The hunter ID number provides authorisation for the sale of game meat to game handling establishments and is a legal requirement for all hunters wishing to sell game into game dealers. The qualification is recognised across the EU.

The course content explores the law surrounding game meat handling and sale. It also looks at the principles involved in assessing the health status of game both out in the field and back in the larder.

Alan Barrell, the Vice Chairman of the NGO Deer Branch, who runs the course, said: "A hunter ID number, with certain limited exceptions, is absolutely essential for anyone who intends to sell game meat into the food chain. It is a vital piece of paperwork for many people. The onus in law is for shooting people to be able to make a competent initial assessment of the health status of game meat before it's sold into the food chain. But don't fret, the course is mostly commonsense."


Notes to Editors

For further information please contact Julian Murray-Evans on 01766 523795 or email jmurrayevans@btinternet.com

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation (NGO) represents the gamekeepers of England and Wales. It defends and promotes gamekeeping, gamekeepers and ensures high standards throughout the profession. Founded in 1997 by a group of gamekeepers who felt that their profession was threatened by public misunderstanding and poor representation, it has now more than 16,000 members.
Visit http://www.nationalgamekeepers.org.uk/

The motto of the NGO is Keeping the Balance


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