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New Tier 4 restrictions in London, other parts of England and Wales from Saturday 19 December

London, the South East and the East of England and Wales entered a new Tier four level of coronavirus restrictions. 

Tier 4 restrictions in England

The restrictions will be broadly equivalent to the national restrictions which were introduced in England in November.

Residents in those areas must stay at home, with limited exemptions. People cannot meet with more than one other person outside.

The NGO will analyse the detail as it emerges and provide further advice. But, it is already clear that in these new Tier 4 areas gathering for game shooting events and even leaving home for recreational shooting alone, or with household members, would breach the regulations.

Outdoor work (eg by gamekeepers) is still allowed to continue subject to Covid-safe measures.

The restrictions will last for two weeks and will be reviewed on 30 December.

Tier 4 restrictions in Wales

Wales also entered a Tier 4 lockdown on Saturday night. Throughout the entire country, people can only meet outdoors with their own household or support bubble. No-one may travel without reasonable excuse. These restrictions have the effect of stopping all recreational shooting throughout Wales until further notice.
People must work from home if they can, but gamekeepers are still able to continue with their work outdoors in a Covid-safe way. 

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