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Look out for your copy of the Spring issue of the National Gamekeepers" Organisation flagship members" magazine, Keeping The Balance, which is published by gamekeepers, for gamekeepers.

Look out for your copy of the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation flagship members’ magazine, Keeping The Balance, which is published by gamekeepers, for gamekeepers – and for anyone with an interest in game and keepering.

The must-read 68-page Spring issue is packed from cover-to-cover with all the latest news and views from the world of gamekeeping, backed by wide-ranging and in-depth features exploring current trends and developments, both professional and social, in the job.

The Spring 2016 issue is currently being posted to the NGO membership of around 15,000.

Here is a taste of what’s inside the Spring 2016 issue of Keeping The Balance (KTB).

Lindsay Waddell, the Chairman of the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation, said: “We are very proud of our members’ magazine, Keeping The Balance, it is truly essential reading for keepers. The glossy, large circulation magazine is a hugely important forum to ensure keepers in England and Wales are kept bang-up to-date with everything that the NGO has been up to in the defence and promotion of keepers and keepering. Enjoy your bedtime reading.”

Notes to Editors

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation represents the gamekeepers of England and Wales. It defends and promotes gamekeeping, gamekeepers and ensures high standards throughout the profession. It was founded in 1997 by a group of gamekeepers who felt that their profession was threatened by public misunderstanding and poor representation. The NGO has around 15,000 members.

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