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The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation would like to take the opportunity to welcome Liz Truss as our next Prime Minister.

The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation would like to take the opportunity to welcome Liz Truss as our next Prime Minister.
Liz represents a rural constituency and, as such, we know that she understands the issues facing rural Britain more widely and, more specifically, the many benefits that shooting and gamekeeping bring to both the rural economy and to conservation.
“Whether it’s the Lakeland Fells or the Norfolk Brecks, our world-famous countryside wouldn’t look the way it does, or support the precious plants, habitats and wildlife, without the efforts of our farmers and land managers,” she wrote during her leadership campaign.
We were pleased to hear that she appreciates that land owners and gamekeepers are to thank for preserving and protecting many of the unique habitats that Britain is home to. We sincerely hope that these views will be reflected in future government policies.
The NGO look forward to working with Liz and her government, and wishes her every success in her new role.

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