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Fifteen-year-old Esme Daubrah was presented with the 2022 Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust Young Gamekeeper of the Year Award on Saturday 24 September at Yorkshire Shooting Show & Country Fair, Doncaster.

Fifteen-year-old Esme Daubrah was presented with the 2022 Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust Young Gamekeeper of the Year Award (senior category). The Award was presented by Sir John Scott Bt, the charity’s Honorary President, on Saturday 24 September at Yorkshire Shooting Show & Country Fair, Doncaster.

Esme’s father, a single-handed gamekeeper on a small shoot in the Midlands told us how great a help she has become to him. While preparing his nomination to GWT for Esme, he told us “As I was looking for photos, it struck me that most of the photos were taken from the back of her as she was striding ahead getting stuck in, with me trying to keep up with her, which is typically her!” 

Esme is involved in all aspects of the shoot from rearing through to picking-up on the shoot day. She loves her animals and birds, so finds some aspects of the role tough, but she doesn’t shy away and understands the bigger picture she’s part of. She enjoys all aspects of helping her Dad, and has even embraced helping with the shoot dinners.

The GWT’s Helen Benson says “Gamekeeping is a lifestyle as well as a livelihood, and it’s always a pleasure to see young people in the family enjoying getting stuck in and to be able to reward their work.”  An integral part of the beating line, Esme also beats on other shoots and fills her Dad in on how it’s done elsewhere. She’s also introduced him to social media, and the benefits it can bring in learning from others.

Esme’s Mum told us “She’s continuing to learn new things every day, while wearing her Deerhunter gilet with panache! We are so proud of how she has embraced the way of life and chosen her own path."

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