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The National Gamekeepers" Organisation Educational Trust is inviting nominations for The Bellamy Trophy 2015. The last date for entries is 1 August 2015.

The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation Educational Trust is inviting nominations for The Bellamy Trophy 2015. The last date for entries is 1 August 2015.

The prestigious Bellamy Trophy will be awarded to: “The person or persons who have shown initiative in promoting the important role of the gamekeeper in sustainable countryside management”. The winner will also receive a cheque for £250 from the NGO Educational Trust.

This annual award is open to both NGO members and others. If you wish to enter or wish to nominate someone else please vist the NGO Educational Trust’s website (click here). Nomination forms are also available by post from:

The NGO Educational Trust

PO Box 3360


West Midlands


For further details about the NGO Educational Trust visit www.gamekeeperstrust.org.uk

Last year’s Bellamy Trophy winner was Alex Hogg, Chairman of the Scottish Gamekeepers Association.

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