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The GWCT are planning a series of case studies based on personal testimonies to compare existing grouse moors with alternative land uses

The debate concerning grouse moors versus alternative land use in the uplands is one that is both ongoing and would appear unlikely to be resolved any time soon.
With that in mind, the GWCT are planning a series of case studies based on personal testimonies to compare existing grouse moors with alternative land uses such as sheep grazing, commercial forestry, rewilding/natural regeneration. 

We know that the management carried out on grouse moors is beneficial for a whole host of reasons, and there is plenty of scientific evidence to support these facts. But often it is conveniently ignored by those who would like to see an end to driven grouse shooting. 
The GWCT would, therefore, like to hear from anyone who has seen the loss of heather moorland first hand and witnessed the environmental and economic impacts of change of use, both good and bad.

You might be a current or retired gamekeeper, estate manager, an ecologist, birdwatcher, local historian, retired school teacher or simply an interested member of the local community, who can remember the change yourself or the memories of parents or grandparents. We are looking for examples of:

  • Outstanding upland sites (driven grouse moors or otherwise) for seeing wildlife.
  • Former grouse moors that you feel are now in better condition thanks to change of land use
  • Former moors that you feel are in worse condition thanks to change of land use
  • Examples of communities impacted adversely by the loss of driven grouse shooting
  • Examples of communities that have benefitted economically from change of land use

Have your say - get in touch now!

Please contact Joe Dimbleby on jdimbleby@gwct.org.uk if you would like to share your experiences.

The more examples we can provide for policymakers of the benefits of grouse management and the negative consequences of abandoning it, the stronger the case for it continuing. So please do spread the word and pass this message on to anyone who might be interested.

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