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The NGO is investigating the possible impacts on gamekeeping and shooting of suggestions for legal reform....

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation (NGO) is investigating possible impacts on gamekeeping and shooting of legal reforms suggested this week by the Law Commission.

The Commission has published a 185-page consultation paper following an 18-month review of all wildlife laws in England and Wales.

It suggests, among many other changes, a single Act of Parliament to replace the current multitude of laws, a redefinition of poaching with tougher penalties, and a new right of appeal when someone's application for a wildlife management licence gets turned down.

The NGO, which has held several meetings with the Law Commission during its recent work said:

"The suggestions made are far reaching and require careful analysis as to their potential impact but in general we welcome the initiative.

" Wildlife law is undoubtedly far too complex, inflexible and illogical and the Commission's consultation paper appears to ask the right questions, suggesting a new, modern legal framework.

"We will now be studying the detail and will make a full published response, on behalf of our members, before the consultation closes on 30 November."

Governments are not obliged to respond to the Law Commission's work but they usually do. A new draft Bill incorporating their suggestions is therefore likely to be published in 2014 for consideration by Parliament.

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