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The NGO is delighted to announce it has come together with the UK Trophy Evaluation Board (CIC) to offer NGO members an official trophy measuring service.

The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation Deer Branch is delighted to announce it has come together with the UK Trophy Evaluation Board (CIC) to offer NGO members an official trophy measuring service. CIC is regarded by many wildlife experts as being the pre-eminent body of its type in the world. The association emphasises the strong links that exist between stalking and gamekeeping.

CIC will be offering its expertise to NGO members at many of the shows and events where the NGO has a presence. Under the terms of the new arrangement, each NGO member will get a £5 discount on the first head of any species measured by CIC at these events (on production of an NGO membership card).

Look out for the CIC trophy measuring service on NGO stands at Broadlands Country Show on 1-2 May, Highclere Country Show May 29-30, and the Field &, Country Fair, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire June 10-12. Contact the NGO office or follow NGO social media for details of the other shows at which CIC measurements will be taken.

The CIC (International Council For Game and Wildlife Conservation) is a politically independent advisory body, which aims to preserve wild game and hunting. The organisation has members in 86 countries and on five Continents. Its headquarters are in Hungary. In the UK the trophy evaluation board has eight certified judges, including two Senior International Judges, Tony Dalby-Welsh and Iain Watson.

Iain Watson, Senior Judge of the United Kingdom Trophy Evaluation Board of the CIC, said: "I very much welcome this new link between the NGO Deer Branch and the CIC. The CIC has a progressive view of sustainable hunting and conservation so we have a great deal in common with the NGO. I am looking forward to getting to know the members of the NGO Deer Branch better and also to seeing the trophies they bring to us. It’ll be a productive partnership."

David Wiggins, Deer Branch Chairman of the National Gamekeepers' Organisation said: "I am delighted to announce our new association with the CIC, which is, in the eyes of many experts, the best and foremost trophy measuring body in existence today, anywhere in the world. Please bring heads to those events where CIC is with us, and don’t forget there’s £5 off the cost of having the first head measured. Joining forces with CIC adds yet another benefit to NGO Deer Branch membership.”

UK CIC records – predominantly for roe deer – held continuously since 1963 represent the principal trophy hunting record of UK species. Trophy judges in the UK have to undergo strict training before being allowed to assess trophies. A medal awarded under the CIC measuring system carries official recognition of a trophy’s merit. The CIC UK team measured over 800 heads last year. The CIC Trophy Evaluation System is protected by international copyright.

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation Deer Branch represents professional and recreational stalkers in England and Wales as well as gamekeepers who control deer as part of their day-to-day work in wildlife and habitat management. Stalking industry insiders believe the NGO Deer Branch has more members actively engaged in deer management than any other organisation in the UK.

Notes to Editors

The CIC (International Council For Game and Wildlife Conservation) UK Trophy Evaluation Board is the only organisation authorised in the UK to offer a service to estate owners, deer managers, stalkers and hunters to measure deer antlers and other trophies in accordance with CIC rules. For more information visit www.cictrophy.com

The Deer Branch of the NGO, which was set up in 2009, works to improve deer welfare and management in England and Wales. It represents professional and recreational stalkers and gamekeepers who control deer. The Deer Branch is a special interest group within the NGO – any NGO member interested in deer can ask to join the NGO Deer Branch at no extra cost.

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation represents the gamekeepers of England and Wales. It defends and promotes gamekeeping, gamekeepers and ensures high standards throughout the profession. It was founded in 1997 by a group of gamekeepers who felt that their profession was threatened by public misunderstanding and poor representation. The NGO has around 15,000 members. www.nationalgamekeepers.org.uk

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