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The National Gamekeepers" Organisation has issued the following comment on publication of the latest edition of the RSPB Birdcrime Report.

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation has issued the following comment on publication of the latest edition of the RSPB Birdcrime Report.

A spokesman for the National Gamekeepers' Organisation said: "The NGO stands for keepering within the law and automatically condemns illegal activity. That is why the NGO is proud to be a member of PAW - the Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime. Furthermore, science has proven ,gamekeepers to be some of the most effective ,conservationists working in the British countryside today.

"Intriguingly the RSPB's shrill comments on ,persecution appear to lack the context that is essential for the public to form its own considered opinion. What the RSPB fails to mention in its news release is that the UK's bird of prey population, taken as a whole, is thriving, with almost all species at record high levels. ,

"This seems a curious oversight for a charity required by law to educate ,the public in a ,balanced ,manner. This very important ,omission is intriguing, ,given the RSPB's usually ,conscientious approach to its work. I ,believe it is fair to ,ask ,whether it's perhaps to encourage charitable donations to the RSPB in the run-up to Christmas, a time of year ,when ,people are quick to put their hands in their wallets?"

To view the RSPB 2013 Birdcrime Report News Release visit http://www.rspb.org.uk/media/releases/359085-sixty-years-of-protection-but-the-killing-continues

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