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The NGO were pleased that the Chairman David Pooler's letter to The Times was printed in Saturday's edition of the paper.

We were delighted that David Pooler's letter to The Times was printed in Saturday's edition of the paper.
Last week, Robert Crampton interviewed Nick Hayes, a man who is described as a land-rights campaigner as well as author of a book called The Trespasser’s Companion.

A keen advocate of the right to roam, Hayes takes Crampton on a trespassing tour of an estate in Berkshire, on which they question the conservation efforts of the estate and wonder whether they will be served with an injunction if they meet with the estate gamekeeper.
We felt that the article was irresponsible in encouraging trespass (stating that greated land access "can improve the land, not spoil it"), as well as demonising gamekeepers for discouraging ramblers. The article also questioned the estate's conservation work – which was slightly ironic, given that the estate in question has won numerous awards for its conservation work and invested vast amounts of money into projects including natural flood management systems, as well as planting hedgerows and native woodland, which in turn have encouraged lapwing, brown hare and turtle doves to flourish.

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