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The NGO has backed the new Code of Best Practice on the Use of Snares in Fox Control, which is published today (25 September) by Welsh Government.

The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation (NGO) has backed the new Code of Best Practice on the Use of Snares in Fox Control, which is published today (25 September) by Welsh Government. The NGO has been at the heart of delivering a new, workable fox-snaring code for Wales since the consultation was launched.

This new fox-snaring code for Wales seeks to deliver higher animal welfare standards, increased efficiency in fox control, and ensure that fewer non-target species are caught.

A spokesman for the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation said: “We very much welcome the publication of Welsh Government’s new best practice code for fox snaring. It is crucial that all those who set fox snares in Wales obtain a copy of the new code. Please read it and abide by it. It is equally essential that all those who snare foxes use snares that comply with the new code.

“The NGO has been involved at every stage of the code’s development, right from the start. We’d like to thank Welsh Government therefore for providing the forum to enable such sensible and constructive dialogue to take place. We strongly believe that any future snaring code in England would do well to follow the lead of Welsh Government, both in terms of the code’s contents, and in how officials engaged in the process. It was a masterclass in joined-up government.

“It is well understood that snaring foxes here in Wales has a vital part to play in safeguarding both the conservation of game and in securing a future for other species of wildlife. The ability to be able to continue to snare foxes now makes the extinction of ground-nesting bird species, such as curlew, less likely.”

Rebecca Evans, the Deputy Minister for Farming and Food at Welsh Government, on welcoming the new Code of Best Practice on the Use of Snares in Fox Control, said: "As our Animal Health and Welfare Framework makes clear, the way we treat our animals is an important reflection of our society’s values. Throughout the development of this code we have worked side by side with interested parties across Wales and I would like to thank all those involved in these discussions for their input.

“It is vital that we improve awareness of the issues around snaring and we will continue to work closely with our partners to make sure the messages from the code are widely disseminated and publicised across Wales.

“I hope this action will help improve snare operator practice by providing clear and practicable advice and how to comply with the law. This will in turn ensure improved standards in animal welfare and reduce the impact on non-target species.”

The modern snare is widely regarded by wildlife experts and scientists as being an important tool in conservation biology. The design and construction of the modern snare incorporates advanced technology and takes advantage of the latest in material science.

The new code can be read on line by clicking here

Alternatively a hard copy can be obtained from the NGO National Office by telephoning 01833 660869 or emailing info@nationalgamekeepers.org.uk

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation represents the gamekeepers of England and Wales. It defends and promotes gamekeeping, gamekeepers and ensures high standards throughout the profession. It was founded in 1997 by a group of gamekeepers who felt that their profession was threatened by public misunderstanding and poor representation. The NGO has around 15,000 members. www.nationalgamekeepers.org.uk

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