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The 18th National Gamekeepers' Organisation AGM took place on Wednesday 15 April 2015 in the splendid surroundings of the JCB World Headquarters in Staffordshire.

The 18th National Gamekeepers' Organisation AGM was held on Wednesday 15 April 2015 in the splendid surroundings of the JCB World Headquarters in Staffordshire. NGO Members attended the meeting from all over England and Wales to listen to the business of the preceding 12 months.

The AGM heard the Chairman’s Report for 2014, which was duly adopted. A number of other reports were also presented. These included: Political issues and PR, NGO Moorland Branch, NGO Deer Branch, NGO events and activities and Membership administration. In addition, delegates heard from the NGO Educational Trust.

Other business concluded at the AGM involved the presentation of the NGO accounts to the 2014 year end and also the ratification of two new NGO membership categories: Junior and Family.

At the AGM, Bright Seeds presented a cheque to the NGO for £4,478. Bright Seeds generously donates £1 to the NGO on the sale of every pack of its Lightning Mustard and Utopia cover crops to help fund the NGO's work.

On conclusion of the AGM, Brian Mitchell, an NGO Vice-Chairman, and Dr Stephen Manning entertained delegates with an amusing Question &, Answer session on their new book, Think like a Pheasant (copies, priced at £28.50, are available from the NGO online shop). This was followed by a fascinating talk from David Clark, Honorary President of the NGO, on partridge conservation in Norfolk. The NGO would like to thank Oakbank Game &, Conservation Ltd for its assistance in helping to deliver this presentation on partridges.

Afterwards, JCB kindly provided the AGM delegates with a delicious two-course lunch cooked with produce from its own estates, an especial highlight being the wonderful Daylesford Organic Beef.

Lindsay Waddell, the Chairman of the NGO, said: “The AGM heard what a busy year the NGO has had, during which the organisation went from strength-to-strength. With an election looming – and with so much of what we do as keepers now being potentially in the political spotlight – this year is going to be even busier.

“We are proud to serve the keepering community. For instance, no other organisation would have made the decision to take Natural England to Judicial Review in the way the NGO has done. That’s why the NGO exists. We’ll fight on and do our best for you, our fellow keepers and supporters.”

He added: “I would like to thank the members who attended the AGM, as well as JCB once again for the its wonderful generosity and for allowing us the use of its World Headquarters, a most amazing venue. I would also like to give JCB a sincere thank you for being so supportive since day one of our partnership. I would also like to thank Bright Seeds for its great kindness in presenting the NGO today with a cheque for almost £5,000 to help fund our work. What's more, Bright Seeds will continue to raise cash for the NGO via sales of its Lightning Mustard and Utopia cover crops. Its on-going backing is much appreciated."

The NGO would like to express its thanks to the following companies for attending the AGM with trade stands: Carl Zeiss Ltd, Bright Seeds, Ford Motor Company, Stoneacre Motor Group, HiBird and dpt UK/Euro Ltd.

Caption: Bright Seeds’ Stephen Snape hands over a cheque for £4,478 to Lindsay Waddell, the Chairman of the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation.

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