New LANTRA-accredited Grey Squirrel Control Course offered by the NGO
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The NGO are now able to offer a Lantra Accredited Grey Squirrel Control course which meets the training requirements for the WS3 squirrel control grant
The following requirements apply:
* Work with your deer officer/woodland officer to produce a Squirrel Control Plan (SCP) outlining the activities you will carry out. To secure the annual funding for this supplement you must email your SCP to your local deer officer/woodland officer by the end of year 1.
* Take part in Grey Squirrel control training - your local deer officer/woodland officer will discuss these courses with you.
* Erect an agreed number of traps within your woodland as shown in your SCP.
* Carry out agreed levels of culling activity as agreed with your deer officer/woodland officer in your SCP. Using the annual cull and effort record provide evidence of culling activity and cull returns and photographic evidence of squirrels killed to the deer officer/woodland officer annually.
* Provide an impact/activity survey to show annual impact, using the activity and Impact Methodology document for guidance, and submit to the Forestry Commission at the end of Years 1, 3 and 5
Note to Editors:
The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation: The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation (NGO) represents the gamekeepers of England and Wales. The NGO defends and promotes gamekeeping and gamekeepers and works to ensure high standards throughout the profession. The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation was founded in 1997 by a group of gamekeepers who felt that keepering was threatened by public misunderstanding and poor representation. Today, the organisation has are around 13,000 members.
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