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We know that avian flu is having a direct impact on shoots and on the people who manage them. For the keepers, anxiety about the birds you look after, their health and the future of the shoot can be incredibly stressful. Don’t ignore the impact this can have on your own health

We know that avian flu is having a direct impact on shoots and on the people who manage them. For the keepers, anxiety about the birds you look after, their health and the future of the shoot can be incredibly stressful. Don’t ignore the impact this can have on your own health. Poor sleep patterns, stress and worry can all impact on family life.

Mental ill health is is just like a physical condition, it’s just that you can’t see it. Sometimes it can be a short term problem. Sometimes we simply need a bit of time and extra support. Other times medical intervention is needed. The main thing is to not be afraid to ask for help – we understand and are here to help.

Some Signs of Mental Ill Health:

•Poor concentration
•Worrying more
•Feeling less interested in day-to-day activities
•Low mood
•Feeling overwhelmed by things
•Tiredness and lack of energy
•Talking less and avoiding social activities
•Talking more or talking very fast, jumping between topics and ideas
•Finding it difficult to control emotions
•Drinking more
•Irritable and short tempered

If you find yourself having a tough time, it is important to look after yourself. Take small steps and don’t over do it. Only doing one thing at a time can make a difference to your overall wellbeing. There are a few other things that can make a real difference:

•Sleep well. Routines at bedtime help. Try to read a book, switch of electronic devices, and relax prior to sleeping
•Eat healthily and watch your alcohol consumption.
•Take time out; spend time with family or friends.
•Connections – learn something new, or take up an interest outside of work. Doing something different and talking to people outside of work can be refreshing and stimulating.

Most importantly don’t bottle up your feelings. There are other keepers feeling exactly the same. It’s completely natural, especially after the last few years. So please reach out and speak to someone: a mate, a family member, ourselves. We are all in this together and we will support you.

The Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust are here to help in any way.

The confidential, dedicated Jamie's Helpline can be reached on 0300 1233088. The phone lines are occasionally quite busy so please do leave a message even if it is your first name and a phone number. Calls will be returned as soon as possible. Please be assured all calls are confidential.

The Samaritans also provide confidential emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or who are in need of support. They can be contacted 24/7 on the free number: 116 123 or by text: 07725 909090

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