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The Law Commission has today launched a consultation to tidy up firearms law, which it considers to be "complex".

The Law Commission has today (21 July 2015) launched a consultation exercise to tidy up firearms law, which it considers to be “complex” and difficult to apply.

The Law Commission believes there is a strong case for bringing all firearms legislation under a single Act, in order to clarify the law, make it easier to use and to future-proof it against technological change. The law on firearms is currently to be found in more than 30 pieces of legislation.

To read the Law Commission news release please visit http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/firearms-making-the-law-more-balanced-and-more-effective/

A spokesman for the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation said: “It is welcome to see that the Law Commission agrees with us that the law governing the ownership and use of firearms is complex. It is a view of particular importance and relevance to our members, many of whom routinely use firearms on most days of their professional working lives.”

He added: “The NGO considers that the law surrounding firearms is, as it stands, at best confusing and feels that this may well contribute to many of the problems and inconsistencies we see in its administration by the police. We are interested to read what the Law Commission has called for today and we intend to respond in detail to the Law Commission consultation and work with Government on any future legislation to help improve the situation both for our members and the shooting community in general.”

The consultation closes on 21 September 2015.

Notes to Editors

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