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There is a petition running on the Gov.UK website which the NGO urges all members to consider signing, please. It calls on Defra to publish the Hen Harrier Joint Recovery Plan.

There is a petition running on the Gov.UK website which the NGO urges all members to consider signing, please. It calls on Defra to publish the Hen Harrier Joint Recovery Plan, a brilliant potential solution to the long running conflict which has caused so many problems for grouse shooting over the years.

The plan has the support of all the shooting and countryside organisations and if the Government is brave enough to implement it will lead to there being more hen harriers, thriving grouse moors and fewer incidents of damaging illegal persecution.

If we all get behind this and give Ministers the confidence to go ahead, shooting and wildlife can both be winners. The link to the petition is http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67527

Please also take a moment to notify others who may be interested but might not have heard about this. Thank you.

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