The NGO welcomes the Government's recent published response to a petition demanding a ban on driven grouse shooting. Responding to the petition, Defra said that the Government has no plans to ban driven grouse shooting.
The NGO welcomes the Government's recent published response to a petition demanding a ban on driven grouse shooting, created by Wild Justice and launched on 22 November.
Responding to the petition, Defra said:
"The Government has no plans to ban driven grouse shooting. It recognises well-managed grouse shooting can be an important part of a local rural economy, providing direct and indirect employment. The Government considers that well-managed shooting activities can bring benefits to the rural economy and can be beneficial for wildlife and habitat conservation. We will continue work to ensure a sustainable, mutually beneficial relationship between shooting and conservation."You can read the Government's response in full,
The NGO's Director for Conservation, Policy and Uplands, John Clarke, said: "The Government's comments reflect what gamekeepers and the NGO have been saying and doing for decades. It is obvious to those who take the time to look at managed grouse moors that they are thriving habitats for a host of wildlife, not just grouse."
"Grouse moors are leading the way in conservation and many red and amber listed species of ground-nesting birds such as curlew, lapwing and golden plover are thriving, as well as many other species including raptors. They should be recognised for their successes, without which the British countryside would be in a far worse position."
Note to Editors:
The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation: The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation (NGO) represents the gamekeepers of England and Wales. The NGO defends and promotes gamekeeping and gamekeepers and works to ensure high standards throughout the profession. The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation was founded in 1997 by a group of gamekeepers who felt that keepering was threatened by public misunderstanding and poor representation. Today, the organisation has around 13,000 members.