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Those who join or renew their NGO membership on site at the CLA Game Fair will receive an array of superb free gifts courtesy of NGO sponsor Bright Seeds.

Visitors to the CLA Game Fair at Blenheim Palace who join or renew their membership of the National Gamekeepers' Organisation (NGO) on site will get, courtesy of NGO sponsor Bright Seeds, a free copy of its 90-page Tractorman's Guide to growing gamecrops. These members will also receive from Bright Seeds a free 1kg pack of its Lightning Mustard Seed and a complimentary drink.

This year's CLA Game Fair is at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire on 18-20 July 2014. The NGO stand (H0472) can be found at the top of Gamekeepers Row.

The Tractorman's Guide, which is produced and published by cover crop specialist Bright Seeds, includes everything keepers need to know in order to grow cover crops successfully. The booklet takes readers through all stages of crop development from preparing a seedbed to achieving cover worthy of a first-class shoot.

The Bright Seeds Tractorman's Guide will be available free of charge to those joining or renewing their NGO membership at the CLA Game Fair. A copy will be included in every NGO membership pack on the NGO stand. Also in each pack will be a voucher for a free 1kg pack of Lightning Mustard seed and a complimentary drink to collect from the Bright Seeds stand - Gamekeepers Row, H447 - at the CLA Game Fair.

Lightning Mustard is a versatile crop. It's very easy to plant either by drilling or broadcasting, then harrowing. ,It geminates easily and is loved by partridges and pheasants. Its strong "flavour" makes it relatively pest free too. ,Many keepers broadcast mustard into standing cereals in July to ensure early cover. It can be sown up to October.

Chris Bright, the Managing Director of Bright Seeds, said: "We are on-going sponsors of the NGO. A proportion of our Lightning Mustard and Utopia cover crop sales are donated annually to the NGO, netting it over �5000 each year. Bright Seeds shares the NGO's aims and we value our association both with the organisation and its members."

Mr Bright added: "A major theme of the Bright Seeds display at this year's CLA Game Fair is how to select the right cover crop on different sites and terrains as well as promoting the many benefits of cover for all types of shoots - from small syndicates to large commercial shoots. Look out for the full range of crops on our stand including a few 'stars' of the future."

Brian Mitchell, NGO National Vice-Chairman and Regional Chairman of Devon and Somerset, said: "I'd like to thank Bright Seeds for its continuing generous sponsorship of the NGO. I'd also like to thank them wholeheartedly for their kindness in providing new and renewing NGO members at the CLA Game Fair with such superb gifts. It is much appreciated."

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