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Barry Atkinson of Spider's Appeal is a 'rural hero' says....

The National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust has dubbed Barry Atkinson of Spider's Appeal "a rural hero" on reaching an arguably never to be repeated landmark of 1000 days' beating on different driven shoots across the UK since 1 September 2003. The Spider's Appeal "millenium" milestone was reached at Birch Grove Estate, Horsted Keynes, West Sussex. Spider's Appeal has so far raised from shoots almost �400,000 for charity.

The donations have been divided equally between two charitable beneficaries: Cancer Research UK and the National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust. Spider's Appeal takes its name from a much-loved rescue dog - a liver and white-coloured English Springer Spaniel - that accompanied Barry Atkinson on his first fund-raising Spider's Appeal beating day at Rothwell, Lincolnshire nearly 10 years ago.

Spider's Appeal, a physically punishing and logistically challenging adventure, is a celebration of dogs like Spider, who enrich our lives and inspire mankind to fully appreciate two of our most valuable assets: the countryside and good health. While both are natural in essence, each requires sensitive care and management for its long-term wellbeing. For more information on Spider's Appeal visit www.spidersappeal.co.uk

Brian Hayes of the National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust said: "Barry is without doubt a rural hero in my book. I thank him and his dogs for their immense, selfless efforts over nearly a decade from the bottom of my heart. The funds he's raised have played a huge part in allowing us to take the message to schools and the public at large that gamekeepers are in the vanguard delivering effective sustainable wildlife and habitat conservation in today's countryside. He is truly a champion of conservation, backed-up wholeheartedly by the generosity of the sporting community."

Mr Hayes added: "The bulk of the beating days were of course carried out in the short, dark, cold days of winter. Barry has driven tens of thousand of miles, in bad conditions, slept in his van and turned up in the right place at the crack of dawn, often on the other side of the country, bang on time. His passion and resilence - showing true grit as befits a proud Yorkshireman - in supporting the countryside and cancer research have been an inspiration to me and indeed to all who've met him along the way."

Barry Atkinson of Spider's Appeal said: "I've worn out more pairs of boots than I care to remember. The total cost in time, effort and resources has been immense, but it is crucial that the population of the UK understands how the countryside works because it is a special, yet fragile place. The rural acres sustain us and we must work to sustain them. Too many folk nowadays have lost touch with the reality of rural life and the traditional conservation that keeps Britain's landscape healthy. I just hope over the years my dogs and I have helped in some small way to open a few eyes and convey this important message. The biggest thanks, too, for all those who've helped us along the way and to those shoots and individuals that have generously donated to Spider's Appeal. Thank you."

John Lewis, the headkeeper at Birch Grove Estate, Horsted Keynes, West Sussex, where the magical one thousandth beating day was notched-up, said: "I've known Barry for many years and along with the rest of the gamekeeping world I am really proud of what he's done. The shoot owner Dr Jim Hay and his family feel it's a privilege to host Barry on what is an historic sporting day. It is a magnificent achievement that will almost certainly never be repeated."


Notes to Editors

- A total of �387,000 has been raised to date. The ultimate aim in the next phase of Spider's Appeal is to top the �1million mark through the sale of a series of limited and open edition prints by five of the UK's leading sporting artists. The artworks (and other merchandise) will capture the essence of Barry's epic journey through rural Britain.

- In making the donations to the two charites, Cancer Reseach UK and the National Gamekeepers' Organisation Educational Trust, Spider's Appeal stipulates that "not a penny can be spent on administation by either charity". All monies raised go towards active projects. By the same token, Barry Atkinson does not deduct any expenses, all costs incurred being borne personally by him. The stated policy of Spider's Appeal is every penny accounted for - every penny effective.

- Five dogs, very much a family unit, have walked to heel with Barry over the years on his quest to reach 1000 driven-shoot beating days: Spider, Sally, Bay, Rowan and Spider 2. (Bay and Rowan were sired by Spider, the dam was Sally. Bay was the sire of Barry's latest dog, Spider 2.)

- A total of 1000 different driven shoots in 100 separate counties of England, Scotland and Wales were visited, including 216 individual grouse moors in 29 counties. It had been hoped to include a grouse moor in Northern Ireland but this was scuppered by bad weather in 2012. Barry Atkinson says: "If there is ever to be one more shoot added to the tally, a thousand and first beating day, that will be a grouse moor in Ireland." Please see Spider's National UK Bird Campaign at www.spidersappeal.co.uk

For further information on this release please contact Julian Murray-Evans on 01766 523795 or email jmurrayevans@btinternet.com

The National Gamekeeper's Organisation Educational Trust was established in 1999 and is a Registered Charity, number 1076923. It is an independent charity working to promote public awareness of the need for sustainable wildlife management in our countryside, stressing the importance of the conservation work carried out by gamekeepers.

Please visit: www.gamekeeperstrust.org.uk


Photo Caption: (From left) Brian Hayes, NGO Educational Trust, Barry Atkinson with Spider 2, and Birch Grove Estate headkeeper John Lewis.

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