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Defra has confirmed a case of avian flu (bird flu) at a farm in Lancashire and movement restrictions remain in place. There are implications for gamebirds "

The Department for Environment, Food &, Rural Affairs (Defra) has confirmed a case of H7N7 avian flu (bird flu) in Lancashire and movement restrictions remain in place. Public Health England has confirmed that the risk to public health from this strain is very low.

A spokesman for the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation said: “Final test results have confirmed a case of avian flu at a farm in Lancashire. The control measures imposed include a ban on all gamebird releasing within 10km of the infected premises and all gamebird movements in the area require a licence from Defra. Previous outbreaks have tended to hit at less critical times for the shooting industry. This looks like being more problematic for those in the affected area and we will be doing all we can to assist our members there at this difficult time.”

He added: "Gamekeepers should remain alert for signs of disease and report suspect disease to their nearest Animal and Plant and Health Agency office immediately. Public Health England confirms that the risk to public health from this strain of avian flu is very low."

For the latest information (and how to contact your closest Animal and Plant and Health Agency office) please visit the Defra website at https://www.gov.uk/government/news/suspect-case-of-avian-flu-bird-flu-at-lancashire-farm

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