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Following the funeral on Monday of our late Queen Elizabeth II, a 96 gun salute was fired as a mark of respect at the Cubley Estate, Derbyshire

Following the funeral on Monday of our late Queen Elizabeth II, and by kind permission of the Hon David Legh, a 96 gun salute was fired as a mark of respect at the Cubley Estate, Derbyshire.
The 96 guns included many NGO members and represented a number of estates and organisations. Shane Wood, Head Gamekeeper at Cubley, made all the arrangments together with Mike Dickinson, NGO Regional Chair Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Cheshire.
The Revd Jane Legh led prayers for Her late Majesty prior to the salute before a piper then led the guns onto the field. After the last shot was fired The Last Post was played by a bugler, which was followed by a minute's silence.
The event closed with three cheers for His Majesty King Charles III. A fitting tribute to a true countrywoman and supporter of country traditions.

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